The Pat Anderson Education Center (PAEC) is a 14,400 sf six-building complex with six classrooms, a library, learning lab with computers, clinical services center and a multi-purpose building. It provides an education to students who have severe emotional or mental health problems or have major learning disabilities. We worked closely with the Sacramento Children's Home, the design team, major subcontractors and suppliers to redesign and value engineer a plan that would increase their capacity by over 50% and still allow the original $3.6 million budgeted design to be built for $2.2 million. In addition, we joined some very generous subcontractors and gifted the interior completion of two classrooms and the clinical services offices to the Home.
J.R. Roberts/Deacon, a division of S.D. Deacon Corp. of Washington | WA# SDDEACW108NT
J.R. Roberts/Deacon, a division of S.D. Deacon Corp. of Oregon | OR# 134328 J.R. Roberts/Deacon, Inc. | CA# 874819