In July of 2008, our employees joined with MulvannyG2 Architecture to participate in the "Sand in the City" event at Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland. During the event, our team competed in a sand sculpting competition to benefit "Kids on the Block," a charitable organization that uses puppetry to teach children about important issues such as preventing child abuse and school violence, making healthy choices about eating and physical activity, and appreciating cultural diversity and people with different abilities. In just six hours, sand teams and architects transformed over 450 tons of sand and 4,500 gallons of water into magnificent sand sculptures!
J.R. Roberts/Deacon, a division of S.D. Deacon Corp. of Washington | WA# SDDEACW108NT
J.R. Roberts/Deacon, a division of S.D. Deacon Corp. of Oregon | OR# 134328 J.R. Roberts/Deacon, Inc. | CA# 874819