Since 1975, Bradley-Angle House has provided emergency shelter and options for healing to women and children escaping domestic violence. In addition to the emergency shelter, BAH also has a 24-hour crisis line, apartments for women in transition, support groups, children's programs, and community outreach programs. When they needed to begin an extensive remodel project of their shelter, we were pleased to bring our construction expertise and contacts to the project. With contributions of labor and materials from many subcontractors, we helped create a shelter space that was functional and safe - at reasonable cost.
“We deeply appreciate all of your support over the years, especially through the remodel project. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to local communities.”
—Mary Dzieweczynski, Executive Director, Bradley-Angle House
J.R. Roberts/Deacon, a division of S.D. Deacon Corp. of Washington | WA# SDDEACW108NT
J.R. Roberts/Deacon, a division of S.D. Deacon Corp. of Oregon | OR# 134328 J.R. Roberts/Deacon, Inc. | CA# 874819